Sie sind hier:
Sprachberatung / Language information day
Nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit zur Sprachberatung. An diesem Tag ist ein Team aus Sprachdozenten der Sprachen Englisch / Französisch / Italienisch / Spanisch und Deutsch in der vhs-Geschäftsstelle anwesend. Sie werden Ihnen beim Kurseinstieg behilflich sein und Sie über Kursziele und Lehrmaterial informieren.
Language information day
Do you want to learn German / English / French / Spanish / Italian, but don't know what course you should take? Then come along to the vhs office on Saturday 15th of February from 10 to 11:30 am. Our teachers will be here to answer.
If you want any further information please come to the vhs office during opening hours or send an email to We are looking forward to seeing you.
Language information day
Do you want to learn German / English / French / Spanish / Italian, but don't know what course you should take? Then come along to the vhs office on Saturday 15th of February from 10 to 11:30 am. Our teachers will be here to answer.
If you want any further information please come to the vhs office during opening hours or send an email to We are looking forward to seeing you.
Sie sind hier:
Sprachberatung / Language information day
Nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit zur Sprachberatung. An diesem Tag ist ein Team aus Sprachdozenten der Sprachen Englisch / Französisch / Italienisch / Spanisch und Deutsch in der vhs-Geschäftsstelle anwesend. Sie werden Ihnen beim Kurseinstieg behilflich sein und Sie über Kursziele und Lehrmaterial informieren.
Language information day
Do you want to learn German / English / French / Spanish / Italian, but don't know what course you should take? Then come along to the vhs office on Saturday 15th of February from 10 to 11:30 am. Our teachers will be here to answer.
If you want any further information please come to the vhs office during opening hours or send an email to We are looking forward to seeing you.
Language information day
Do you want to learn German / English / French / Spanish / Italian, but don't know what course you should take? Then come along to the vhs office on Saturday 15th of February from 10 to 11:30 am. Our teachers will be here to answer.
If you want any further information please come to the vhs office during opening hours or send an email to We are looking forward to seeing you.
Gebührkostenloskostenfrei - free of charge Keine Anmeldung erforderlich. You don't need to register.
- Kursnummer: S001.251
StartSa. 15.02.2025
10:00 UhrEndeSa. 15.02.2025
11:30 Uhr